Friday, May 3, 2013


What does it mean to be happy? Many people associate the term with wealth, power, and money.
"If only I had (amount of money), I would feel much better"
"If only I could afford to live in (this place), life would be easier"
By listening and observing, I have found that to attain happiness, people must strive to make more money. By this sound statement, one would assume that developed countries such as japan and America would then rate the highest on the happiness scale. However, that is not the case.
Japan ranks as the unhappiest nation. This is due to the extreme stress that they place on themselves to be #1 in technology, GNP. And everything else (except happiness). The people living in happen are stresses consumed and work oriented. All they care about is creating the next marketable item. Lives are cut shorter, illnesses arise, and no one seems happy. Americans, who are not as bad off as Japan, we still rank low on the happiness level. In the documentary they state that people who work s cart-pushers and live in a slum in a developing nation rant the same as the average American.
How is it that people living on a "day-to-day" basis and lack education, security and a decent job can compete with the status of an American who has a satisfactory job, security, home and all of their basic needs met and may even have part of their immediate future planned out?
The problem is that people in developed countries have a consumer mentality. They are product driven and if they don't have the new "item" they are not satisfied with themselves. The documentary points out that the cart pusher felt like the richest person when he saw his son happy. In places such as these, people are driven my family, health and individual pleasures. Their focus is not on monetary wealth. They do struggle financially, yet their other basic needs are covered; they feel happy.
What are the benefits of being happy?
Happiness can help you achieve your goals. Think about it, the happier you are the more positive your attitude is going to be so you will find a way to reach your goals.
How to measure/improve?
First off, the documentary explained that happiness was found in our genes. As humans, we have a natural "set-point” of (50% of our state) happiness. 10% of our happiness comes from our job/social stature/age. etc. 40% comes from intentional behavior. What this is ensuring us is that people force themselves in to a dark place. 40% of your mood is controlled by your own behavior. If it were modified a bit, everything regarding your life would be different.
We need to each our zone of happiness. Exercise and a healthy diet can help us achieve our goal.
Focusing on what you have and not what you don't. If you concentrate on the items that are not present in your life, you are constantly reminding yourself that you are missing something; this leads to a feeling of emptiness which makes someone depressed.
To have values and goals make it easier to focus on happiness. It’s you key to happiness because everything becomes intrinsic. Your natural drive will lead you to happiness because you follow your goals.
Adaptation; Hedonic adaptation is when you are not satisfied with that you have. This is the biggest threat to happiness. This goes in line with focusing on what you have. If you don't feel content with what you have, you develop a sense of inferiority. You base the idea that you aren’t good enough or you don't deserve the items that are missing from your life. This is the biggest problem in industrialized consumer-based societies.
Happy was a pleasant documentary that was a bit boring at times (hey, I have to be truthful). However, it did provide insightful information in a concise fashion that made sense. It helped my develop an understanding of my mood and view the problems that arise from my own faults.

Sunday, April 28, 2013

Frugal Baking

So because it was such a beautiful day outside, I decided to bake in preparation for my non-stop week that was ahead of me. I wasn't sure when I was going to have a day off again and would be needing lots of things prepared.
My mom and I also decided to take my sister to school walking, we loaded up the wagon and off we went. It was very nice, to be outside and not feel rushed and actually enjoying the view. Normally, on my runs I tend to focus on not fainting or being attacked by crazy drivers. Lol
When we got home, I finished prepping all the veggies for my humongous salad that I will be eating for the following 2-3 days. Also I decided to experiment and make cauliflower rice. I've seen it when I was all raw. I made it once and I didn't very much like it as cauliflower has a strong taste and texture. So I decided to make it slightly steamed.

First I washed and dried about half a head of cauliflower and then threw it into the vita-mix (love that machine). After, I threw it in a pan so that I can dry fry it and I continued to add lots and lots of FUNGUS (my mom hates when I call mushrooms that, she said it makes them sound nasty). So, I added mushrooms, tomato, onions, salt, pepper, and a bit of basil leaves. It turned out okay. I think next time I might make a sauce for it, so it imitates Mexican rice. Or add a bit of texture with celery and bell pepper.
And for the main event!!!!!!! I made "Cliff Bars|". I love eating these, I normally buy two a week, and however I don't want to get addicted to processed foods so I decided to make my own. The fact that I had a bunch of super ripe bananas aided my decision to make a banana flavor bar as well.  
For the base it was equal for all
the bars:
Oats (grinded in the vitamix)
Whole wheat flour
A splash of water
Agave syrup
Puffed rice cereal
Baking powder
Wheat Bran
Wheat Germ
look like this:

For the "everything version"
Mashed bananas, peanuts, sunflower seeds, banana chips, raisins, pineapple....I think that’s it

For the "Tropical version"
Mashed bananas, coconut, pineapple, dried cranberries, sunflower seeds, Lemon and Lemon zest.....

For the "chocolate version"
Dates, LOADS of Carob powder, almonds, peanuts.....

I mixed it all and then I laid them flat on a cookie sheet and tried (YES, TRIED) to make them somewhat even. However, we can see that was a fail. I also laughed because as I was pouring the mixture onto the cookie sheets, it did look disgusting. I guess this is what it’s going to look like when it comes out. (Sorry, that was inappropriate; I shall bow down in shame).

 warning: the picture above does not look like edible food at all!!!!

And then I baked, baked and baked some more. I also stood next to the oven some; my mom said I was going to burn my butt off. But I like the warmth that it emits. When it was finally done, I waited (yup, I actually waited and didn't have a taste test). Then when they were cool, I cut them and instead of wrapping them individually (cuz I’m a lazy bum) I stuck them inside a Tubaware container so I can grab and go and wrap them in a napkin for my sisters' lunches, etc.

Finally, at the end of the day, I was able to try one (I waited so it would be an after dinner dessert). I must say, they came out a whole lot softer than a Cliff Bar, yet they were pretty darn good. I don't like to measure my food anymore because it creates anxiety for me; however I already know I will add more cereal next time. It’s all trial and error baby. Lol
Also, I baked some sweet potatoes in the oven (all three colors) and had some at dinner time along with my "rice" and salad with my homemade dressing. NOM NOM NOM
I hate to say this because it sounds sooo mean, but I enjoyed this whole lot more than going to the shelter.
My sister helped (ok I forced her) me wash my car, my sister's Birkis came in the mail.  The Birkis were my bday present for her. After dinner, my mom and I went to target and Walgreens (nope, I didn't purchase anything). All in a day's work. Smiles!

Thursday, April 25, 2013


This year I have been trying to change my lifestyle. I have been trying to get rid of my worldly connections. I have tried to stop being materialistic and am only buying the necessary items such as food, gas, and school supplied (if necessary). I planned on going 40 days without buying clothes, shoes, accessories, and other random items. My first day in I already experienced the temptation because my dad and I went to Bed Bath and beyond and there was already an item that I wanted too purchased. My dad offered to buy it for me, but I thought that that would be cheating. Then at work, we received a new shipment of boots (my weakness) and I spotted about four pairs that I wanted. We also got some groovy sunglasses, however they all looked ugly on me.

I know it’s counterproductive, but if I last the whole 40 days without nuts, seeds, and shopping, I am going to treat myself to some Birkenstock sandals. I wanted some of these sandals for the longest time ever. It would be the perfect reward. I try not to be materialistic by not caring about brands, not giving into technology or trends, and just having a simplistic demeanor about life. I admit, I am not perfect at all. I struggle with letting go of my Toshiba tablet, Hp computer, boots, vitamix, and internet access. But I am trying, slowly letting go and just keeping the essentials. It slowly is affecting me because when I see people getting aggressive or demanding shoes (I work in a shoe store) it angers me. I view the behavior as barbaric. It disgusts me how people obsess and spend a tremendous amount of money on a pair of shoes that they are only going to wear with two or three outfits.

The purpose of shoes is to protect your feet from debris such as glass, bugs, etc. As well as keeping your feet from being frostbitten in the cold or burning in the summer. Now, they have become a fashion accessory. They are now an object people use to judge your worth. I feel that is dehumanizing-judging others on materials as opposed to the actual person. I thank that I haven't fallen that far from the tree and my parents (immigrants) have instilled values in me that aren't so common anymore.

This has been a long journey. I went the 40 days without purchasing anything. I did order my shoes, but I looked for an economic pair. I tried to settle for a durable pair that I would wear over and over again. I don't want to stress myself out for a pair of shoes. I am glad to say it has been the only thing that I have bought. I did go to downtown LA   (shopping district) but I didn't buy anything, I was tempted but I decided not to. I want to make this a life commitment. Use only that of what I need. I want to not take more than necessary because it does happen to deplete our environment of all the necessary items that we have. It also promotes greed and selfishness, something that I try not to participate in.

These are my goals for life, it’s never too late or too early to start shaping the life you want to have in the future. Perhaps I see myself married and living in a nice home with sufficient space for a garden. Living off the land as much as possible. Perhaps I see myself as rock-loving hippie. But most of all, I want to be happy and promote a sense of peace, spirituality, and health.

Monday, April 22, 2013

When someone is searching for a soul mate/partner/spouse etc. they mostly look for people who have similar qualities to them. This way, they are more compatible, thus have more things to talk about, share similar interest, and tend to be passionate about similar things.

In this sense, I don't think that a couple must entirely be vegan or vegetarian to be in love. I do think that it helps. But the diet that you chose should not make so much conflict at the dinner table mainly discussing the indecision about whether meat should be kept in the house. However, you don't pick your significant other due to diet; you (hopefully) pick them based on characteristics that you admire. Hopefully you enjoy their charisma, personality, looks, etc. Their moral stanza is something different, you may not agree on ethics but it’s not your sole choice. Many people from different races, ethnicities, religion, etc. come together in relationships. They grow by challenging each other. As a couple, people develop views based on learning information. They do not solely accept their own view and declare it right. Couples are meant to challenge each other.

So do I think diet choice affects the relationship? No, I would not mind living with a meat eater. However, my mind is set on my own ways and I won't give up veganism for the sake of a relationship, nor do I expect my partner to change their ways for my benefit. Iwould encourage them to live a holistically healthy lifestyle which would limit the amount of meat that they eat, but I wouldn't enforce any ideas. 

What has helped my with this "open-minded" philosophy is that I live with my family, none of them are vegan or vegetarian for that matter. This has helped me grow as a persona and show respect and restraint for other people. If you value other individuals, you will learn to respect and value their beliefs. Not everyone is the same. For example, siblings raised by the same parents develop their own personalities and experience different things in life that shape them into the individuals that they become.

Veganism is essentially a lifestyle, not a diet. So to make someone change their lifestyle is difficult. You can incorporate things that will benefit your significant other; however,you are not going to change their daily habits.
Todays eats:
bf: 5-6 c papaya
two medjouls

snack: grapefruit

lunch: pear, baby carrots, mamey and banana smoothie
1 medjoul

dinner: fava bean soup (500ml), tomato

dessert: apple with pb and 4 dates

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Cooked This Far

So far, I have ventured back to cooked foods and my experience has been pleasant. I have loved all the new tastes and textures. I also like that it has opened a new opportunity to eat more types of food as well as intake a wider range of nutrients. For some reason, I feel that my body was lacking severely in calcium and iron. I do feel better, somewhat happier.

However, it’s not always rainbows and butterflies, its compromise (Maroon 5 anyone?). I am having trouble with my digestion (TMI warning) I used to "empty" my stomach completely in the morning so there was nothing in me and I had a relatively flat stomach. Then I would "go" an additional 2-3 times a day. So in total, I would have 3-4 bowel movements. At the moment, I just have one; when I wake and I go to the restroom, however I don't feel empty. I am aware that beans and grains take a long time to digest, however, I give myself 12 hours to digest and I don't flatten my tummy at all. I remain bloated though-out the day and it does cause me some concern.

It has been getting better, but it does cause some emotional trauma. I keep debating whether I should remain cooked or go back to raw. For the taste, smell, and texture of food I rather stay cooked. However, for a flat tummy, ease of digestion and simplicity I rather go back raw. But I figure, if I stick with cooked at least once a day, my digestion will adapt itself. After all I was raw for about nine months; I can't expect everything to be normal in less than two weeks.

I also feel that eating this way makes it easier for my family. Truthfully, we are saving money and we can share more produce; I don't have to worry about unripe fruit. I also haven't gotten bored. I love my "chili bean" recipe and it’s always good. Not like my papaya salad that depends on the flavor intensity of the fruit--which can ruin the whole meal if it isn't perfect.

I also don't feel as gluttonous (except right now, I ate waaaay to many pistachios yesterday and indulged in 2 Nature Valley granola bar-not honey-and I am paying for it right now). I don’t feel like I have to shovel food into my mouth just to reach my "pre-determined calories". I am learning to listen to my body and how to decipher a feeling of fullness. I also feel more liberated; I feel like I can walk into a restaurant and always find at least one thing that will satisfy me. I do feel more positive about the future.

I am now discovering the benefits of other foods; I have found that wheat bran and wheat germ in my morning smoothie helps with the bloating and regulation.

However, the "happiest" thing I get from a cooked vegan diet is the "allowance" and pleasure of eating/drinking something warm. I somewhat regret not transitioning in the winter. But right now I am enjoying my food. Since I have a trouble finding time to do everything with my schedule, I tend to make a crockpot full of soup once a week and eat that for the whole week for dinner with a potato or something. I actually don't get bored; I look forward and actually crave my meals. I can "barely wait" for my next meal because I am so excited or looking forward to it.

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Hang out

As relatively young members of society, it is expected that we "chill" or "hang-out". I do pick to go and relax in a quiet atmosphere and I don't pick the typical spots as my fellow twenty to twenty-five year olds do. I hate clubs (well, truthfully I have never been to one), I know I won't like bars, and I don't go to your typical restaurants such as the Cheesecake Factory or BJ's.

When I go out to eat, I tend to go to a vegetarian friendly restaurant. I customize my orders to make them vegan. I tend to like cafe's and family-based establishments. I feel that it’s better to support local owners and friendly chain restaurants than to go to huge corporations that only care about their hungry investors than the people they serve. I also like the feel of these small places. They are not impacted with so many people that you can't even have a conversation for fear of misinterpreting what the other person is saying due to the loud distracting music. I also feel that the service and the people tend to be more friendly and authentic. They actually try to make small talk and ask you about your day. They don't try to rush you or fake their attitudes to try to get a bigger/better tip.

I also tend to go to the movies about once a week. When it’s cold out, this is my typical weekend spot because there is not much to do when it is raining. Movies do tend to provide a chance to escape reality and distract yourselves with a funny movie. I tend to pick comedies or drama movies. I don’t tend to pick horror; I don't do well with scary movies. I also don't really pick "stupid comedy" such as Friday, Scary movie, Bridget Jones, etc. Those movies tend to bore me since I don't assimilate myself with the typical audience.

Hiking is something that I enjoy yet don't get to do often. I have only gone a few times in my life, however, I have absolutely loved eat time I went. The scene and the experiences have been amazing, the scenery is breath taking and the air feels clean. Each time I went hiking I felt like I was one with nature, like I was actually a part of this wonderful environment around me. The only negative aspects that I got from hiking are that I got super tan. When I went back to school, I hardly recognized myself.

The beach is a wonderful and peaceful place to visit if it is not overcome by beer guzzling sociopaths known as jocks and sorority girls. While I am not a fan of cold water, I love the beach. I am seriously going to try to go as much as possible this year. I love when the sand is soft and clean (tar free please). The water from the beach has a type of rejuvenating power that leaves you feeling younger, happier, and cleaner (except for the sand that is now in your hair, shorts, and underwear).

Bowling/mini golf/batting cages: these are places that I don’t frequent to often but enjoy the as a special treat every now and then. I love having a blast doing random activities such as these. However, I don't like how crowded places like this tend to get.

My absolute favorite place to hang out is my "playroom". I love coming home on a Friday night to a bowl of popcorn or homemade banana ice cream and flipping on the teli to watch a movie with my family. It is one of the few times we are all together with ought fighting (mostly). I try my hardest to get my homework or other activities done and out of the way so I can enjoy the moment.
Very few people realize the importance of family these days. They don't value them as much as they should and it’s a problem. I still try to show my sisters that we are a family and that we should promote family unity. My mom always reminds us that we should protect and love eats other. We are, after all the most important things we have in each other's lives. I tend to take advantage of moments thief this because I never know when I will get them again.

What are your favorite activities?

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Spring Break

This is the first week after spring break. I never told you guys how my spring break went, so I guess right now is the perfect time. Well, the first Saturday I had off, me and my best friend went to go watch Oz the Great and the powerful. It was an awesome movie; however, I didn't get to watch the whole thing because I had to go home.
Sunday was Easter; we had our family come over. It was really nice. The day was cold and gloomy, however it was quite fun. The plan had originally been to just have our immediate family there and enjoy each other's company. However, one of my mom's friend somewhat invited herself over. Then a chain reaction started and the neighbor also invited herself over and my cousin did as well. My mom then invited my aunt over and I invited my best friend. My best friend and I had to work; luckily we got out at 4pm. I left everything ready so I wouldn't have to worry about food. I woke up at like 5am to prepare everything to make chilI beans (you guys recently heard that I was obsessed with them). My sisters also wanted to make a pumpkin pie; therefore we made a huge homemade pumpkin pie. Of course, it being Easter Sunday and all, we were not going to skip church; we were there bright and early to find a spot to sit down. It seems like it’s one of the few days that people remember t their religious obligations.
Work was such a drag; I drank my smoothie breakfast and fasted for the rest of the day. I wanted to enjoy my meal with my family. I was awesome. We hid Easter eggs ate pie and enjoyed each other’s company. After everyone left, my best friend stayed to give my sisters an Easter Basket, it was nice (we also gave him a crock pot). Then it was off to bed, I was extremely excited because the next day I was going to get to start running again. I have missed it very much.
The next day (Monday) was exciting, I naturally woke up super early and then I went for a short 3.3 mile jog. It was still somewhat painful but nothing that I couldn’t handle. After, I got home I quickly started cleaning. The day before left plenty of dishes to clean up, which is the negative aspect of having people come to your house. This is why I somewhat get annoyed when everyone invites themselves over or stay late because I hate having a mess in the kitchen and playroom. After the house was decent, we went to downtown LA to buy my sister’s their first communion dresses. It was fun, I thought I was going to end up buying a bunch of things for myself; however I took $300 and came back with a pair of $20 shoes. My sisters and mother tend to ask for a lot of items. I did enjoy the day, after we got home we went for a walk and hung out in the garage eating leftovers and having fun.
Tuesday I went to the souplantation with my family and my best friend. It was nice and fun. When we got home, too stuffed to do anything, we played the harry potter game my sister got as a present.
Wednesday we a chill day and I didn't do anything besides clean and work on homework.
THursday I went to my aunt's house. We made a salad and cookies for my uncle and my mom made a lasagna for my aunt. My aunt cut my hair and I feel completely different. I feel like I look younger and it is a whole lot easier to fix in the morning. I actually feel like it matches my personality more than my dead blonde tips I had before. I spend the entire day at my aunt's home. It felt good because I am always working on the weekend and never get to visit or see her. Now that I had the opportunity, I enjoyed every bit of it.
Friday, it was back to work which is a drag but I invited my mom, sisters, and best friend to the movies and we watched The Croons which was such an adorable movie filled with adventure. I loved it absolutely. I think I would go watch it again if I had the opportunity. It was such a nice thing to do with the family.
Saturday as my typical saturday. This time, instead of going out to the movies, we went to Long Beach. It was really nice and the sand was soft and clean. I rather enjoyed it alot. After we went to the California Pizza Kitchen. I ordered a salad, but I honestly didn't enjoy it. I think my salads are better and more appetizing. Afterwards, we went to the $1 bookstore. They sell used books for a buck. I found some pretty good books including Stephen KIng, Dracula, and Eat, Pray, Love. I am so excited to start reading them all.
This spring break I didn't do anything fancy (I never do). However, I rather enjoyed it and was pleased to spend time with my family no matter how much they drove me insane the entire time.
Hope everyone else had a pleasant time welcoming this new season.  

Saturday, April 13, 2013

Just for fun

Shit Fruitarians and 80/10/10 ers say

Carb the eff up!
I need more bananas
I only have one body of dates left
OMG! (Insert fruit) is on sale!
Who ate the last mango?
Frelea is so hot!
Durian Rider is amazing!
My burn tasted like papaya.
I have so much energy.
Yes, this is my eight bananas, geez.
Who does everyone stare when I go to the market?
Oh, no thanks, I’m vegan
Oh, no thanks, I'm raw.
Bananas and dates are love.
Mangoes prove that Mother Nature loves us.
You don't need much protein.
Keep your fat at or below 10%. It’s crucial!
Drink the eff up! 2 liters minimum!
Frozen bananas are like cheat food.
Omg, my naners aren’t ripe. How will I survive?
Who ate my dates?
Omg, that persimmon pie looks so good!
Why can't I live in Australia, I want tropical fruits.
Omg, I need to go to Woodstock
I want froodles
Ick, my tummy hurts, bad food combining.
OMG, Frelea's BAD strudel changed my life
eww, why is he drowning his salad with ranch?
Lemon is earth's natural dressing.
I’m undercarbed
Oh no, I passed my 10 pm bed time
Mega smoothie time
Materialistic people are so artificial
*Spotty bananas* yes, lunch
Fruit feast time
I can soooo out eat any of you
I wonder what durian taste like
Man, this fruit is actually disappointing, I thought it was ripe
How can I make these ripen faster?
Heck yea! *insert fav fruit* season!

Tuesday, April 9, 2013


Chili Beans

Lately, I have been eating a lot of beans. My first experience with beans was with chili beans. I quite enjoyed it a lot. I watch a show that comes from Great Britain called Supersize vs. Superskinny and every time they would show the food that people ate were “jacket potatoes with beans” which is essentially beans on a baked potato.

So to my introduction to a jacket potato was homemade chili beans without all the nasty animal products such as cheese or sour cream. I rather enjoyed it a lot. I served it alongside with roasted mushrooms and squash. I also ate a salad and roasted cauliflower. It has been one of my favorite meals ever since.

The thing I love most about this meal is the fact that it is super simple. I just load everything in the crock-pot and come home to a nice dinner in the evening.

1.5 cups of mixed beans
1-2 boxes of tomato sauce
3 tomatoes
6 mushrooms
.5 cup of onion
Handful of cilantro
1 can of corn
1 bell pepper
Cook and then enjoy

Its actually kinda funny that I even write this since I didn't eat chili beans today. LOL
 Breakfast: 2 large oranges and 2-3 cups of grapes
+some jicama when making my sis' lunch

lunch: "Chinese salad" with homemade dressing
1 slice of mamey sapote
1 cup of rice milk mixed with wheat bran and wheat germ, 5 dates and cocoa powder

dinner: 1.5 c of beans, 1 bowl of mixed veggies (tomato, mushrooms, squash, onion, bell pepper)
1 slice of mamey

dessert: 1 apple, less than 1/2 c of pistachios, less than (1/2) cup of trail mix, 2 clementines

(like 5 pistachios and a few raisins and 3 "seaweed" snack sheets throughout the day)  

Monday, April 8, 2013

Monday after spring break

So I am currently sitting in class waiting for the teacher to begin the lecture. I am currently unhappy because we had an important part of our assignment due today and I feel that it's not quality work. I hate the fact that before the break was over; we all sat down and planned to have our rough draft online by Wednesday last week. However, some of the members of our group were flakes and didn't post their information until I reminded them. This was horrible, because I didn't get the chance to review the articles to make sure they were ok. It was honestly really bad quality work. I edited most of the sentences and it still doesn’t sound good.
This spring break wasn't the best but it wasn't bad. I had fun visiting my aunt, going out to eat, and running. I also watched Oz and The Croons which were both fantastic movies that I recommend to everyone!
Besides that, my day was actually good. I felt bloated though because I had a huge intake of food yesterday. I feel that I overdosed on “fake food” I ate two Nature Valley granola bars and I feel that the processed sugar got to me. I also feel that the sodium and poor food combining was a major source of the problem.
However, today is a new day and I ate well. I am going to try to post my food again.
Bf: 5-6 cups of papaya and 2 bananas
Snack: 1 mini box of raisins and 4 honey dates
Lunch: smoothie (2 bananas, 2 pears, 3 medjouls and 1ish cup of rice milk)
Snack: 1 mini box of raisins
Dinner: 1 large tomato, 1 large sweet potato, 1 bowl of homemade “habas” soup, 3 tbs of beans and 2/4 cup of apple juice
Dessert: 1 apple with 2 tbs of almond butter

Sunday, April 7, 2013

college vegan

In the vegan movement, I often hear the complaint that it is very difficult to be vegan in college. I actually think it is a lot easier and a lot cheaper to eat this way. I remember when I was on the SAD it would cost me a lot of money to eat at home and eat out. One thing that helps (most people might say it sucks) is that you don't eat out often. Also, meat is super expensive and not that satisfying. Unlike natural plant products, they tend to go bad fast and you can’t store them for long period of times or bulk up when they are on sale.

The reason why people think that it is so expensive to be vegan is because
·    They fall into the trap of using “super foods” such as: chia, maca, goji berries, cocoa nibs, spirulina, hemp hearts, acai powered, etc.
·    Most importantly they buy any package alternative such as: soy cheese, soy yogurt, soy meats, non-dairy ice cream, “Vegan energy bars”, etc.
·    Also, something that I find very common is that people tend to associate “vegan food” with “organic food”. Why? I am not so sure about this one. I feel that people tend to think that vegans eat healthier food and associate organic food as healthy food thus they conclude that vegans eat 100% organic.

There is nothing wrong with eating all the foods listed above, however if you base your diet primarily off of these foods then you will run into financial trouble. The point here is to vary your diet. To be vegan is to eat food that was not animal-based or derived. It means to eat what the earth naturally provides for us. You need to find what works for you in this lifestyle, whether you base your diet on processed, super foods, organic, or even conventional natural produce. The price range will vary.
For example if you eat nothing but beans and rice and have a few pounds of lettuce, potatoes, and apples a month you are going to have a pretty frugal budget compared to someone who eats cocoa nibs, quinoa, raw okra, and exotic fruit such as durian, star fruit, and goji berries every day. However, both these individuals are still vegan. Their principles are the same yet the price range and the amount they spend on food are completely different.
I have actually saved money eating a vegan diet.

I remember, my friends and I would go out to eat at least once a week, eat food trip would be at least $7-10 on average a week. Let’s not forget the tip and dessert. This would either be ice cream or some frozen yogurt and would add another $5. In addition to my weekly food trips during school, I would also get the munchies in-between classes and head to the convenience store on campus (which sets the prices sky-high) and spend about $5-10 extra for snacks a week. All this was money that was additional to my weekly market trips and would actually be completely unnecessary as I wasn't hungry, just bored and wanted to munch on something. That is about $25 EXTRA that I was wasting on products that are generally placed in certain locations around campus for marketing purposes. These items that I was eating, are things that I wouldn't even consider food now a days.

So now what am I eating and how much am I spending?
This is where I might receive a lot of hate mail or bad remarks about my diet. I DO NOT consume a 100% organic diet. I don't even consume near 50% organic. For starters, it is expensive to buy a full organic diet as a starving student. Secondly, I am a Health Science student and recently we had a symposium discussing the importance of a fruit and veg filled diet. Soon we were discussing the importance of organic, it was stated that there wasn't very intensive research done discussing the importance of organic. However, they said that we should concentrate on eating more raw fruits and vegetables and less processed foods. They said that nutritionally, the values were not so different from conventional and organic. The main difference was the taste. Even conventional frozen or canned fruits and vegetables can be better than fresh (at times) because they are stored at their peak ripeness which means they are filled with their full potential nutritional value.  

So in my kitchen I tend to keep in stock:
·    Beans (small red beans, fava beans, chick peas, lentils, great northern beans, black beans, pinto, and Peruvian beans)
·    Rice (brown-may experiment with jasmine or wild rice in the future)
·    Nuts (pistachios, almonds, peanuts, cashews, and sometimes walnuts)
·    Seeds (sunflower, pumpkin, and sesame)
·    Dry fruit (prunes, apricots, apples, pineapple, DATES, papaya, cranberries and raisins)
·    Grains (qinuoa, cous cous, barley, wheat berries)
·    “super foods” (chia seeds, flax seeds, cocoa powder—I recently changed to carob powder)
·    Other: wheat bran, wheat germ, whole wheat flower, cinnamon, basil, pepper, salt, oregano, rosemary, oats, banana chips, pumpkin spice, canned veggies, canned pumpkin and almond milk.

So the ingredients listed above are always in stock and they can get pretty pricey. However, if you buy one item a week, it won’t be so bad. Also items such as beans and oats are dirt cheap and last a long time and are quiet filling.

So when I do go to the supermarket I tend to buy fresh produce. In a week I tend to consume:
·    1-2 heads of lettuce/green leafy vegetables (romaine, ice berg, spinach, cabbage, green lettuce, red leaf lettuce, and sometimes butter lettuce)
·    Potatoes (like 1-3 potatoes a week sweet potatoes are the best)
·    Apples (love my apples about 4 a week)
·    Pears (also about 4, varies from red pear, bosc, barlet)
·    Bananas (my family eats about 15-20 lbs of bananas a week)
·    Other fruits (depends on what is on sale I tend to buy grapes, peaches, nectarines, strawberries)
·    Celery (about 1-2 heads a week)
·    Tomatoes (I eat them like apples, I tend to go through 7-8 a week)
·    Cucumbers (too many to count)
·    Jicama
·    Lemon
·    Cilantro
·    Papaya (at least 1-2 a week)
·    Pineapple (when they don’t burn my mouth I eat about 1 a week)
·    Oranges
·    Orange juice (perhaps 1 quart if not fresh squeezed)
·    Grapefruit (about 1-2 a week)
·    Coconut water
·    Green onions
·    onions

Today I went grocery shopping, I spent a total of $90 this week. But keep in mind that I purchased items that I was running out of such as prunes, peanuts, flax seeds, and whole wheat flour. In addition to these items, I also tried these new “seaweed snacks” (they were OK). I also bought my sister cookies, honey, trail mix, and my mom (family isn’t vegan nor vegetarian) some ground turkey, taco shells, salsa, and tortilla chips. So if I wouldn’t have purchased these items I probably would have only spent $45. I also share my “supplies” with my family. Therefore, my expense is actually pretty cheap.
So imagine, if I wasn’t vegan, I would have also bought lunch meat, cheese, yogurt, etc and spent probably 20-40 dollars more.
Yes, I am quite frugal, aren’t I?