Sunday, April 21, 2013

Cooked This Far

So far, I have ventured back to cooked foods and my experience has been pleasant. I have loved all the new tastes and textures. I also like that it has opened a new opportunity to eat more types of food as well as intake a wider range of nutrients. For some reason, I feel that my body was lacking severely in calcium and iron. I do feel better, somewhat happier.

However, it’s not always rainbows and butterflies, its compromise (Maroon 5 anyone?). I am having trouble with my digestion (TMI warning) I used to "empty" my stomach completely in the morning so there was nothing in me and I had a relatively flat stomach. Then I would "go" an additional 2-3 times a day. So in total, I would have 3-4 bowel movements. At the moment, I just have one; when I wake and I go to the restroom, however I don't feel empty. I am aware that beans and grains take a long time to digest, however, I give myself 12 hours to digest and I don't flatten my tummy at all. I remain bloated though-out the day and it does cause me some concern.

It has been getting better, but it does cause some emotional trauma. I keep debating whether I should remain cooked or go back to raw. For the taste, smell, and texture of food I rather stay cooked. However, for a flat tummy, ease of digestion and simplicity I rather go back raw. But I figure, if I stick with cooked at least once a day, my digestion will adapt itself. After all I was raw for about nine months; I can't expect everything to be normal in less than two weeks.

I also feel that eating this way makes it easier for my family. Truthfully, we are saving money and we can share more produce; I don't have to worry about unripe fruit. I also haven't gotten bored. I love my "chili bean" recipe and it’s always good. Not like my papaya salad that depends on the flavor intensity of the fruit--which can ruin the whole meal if it isn't perfect.

I also don't feel as gluttonous (except right now, I ate waaaay to many pistachios yesterday and indulged in 2 Nature Valley granola bar-not honey-and I am paying for it right now). I don’t feel like I have to shovel food into my mouth just to reach my "pre-determined calories". I am learning to listen to my body and how to decipher a feeling of fullness. I also feel more liberated; I feel like I can walk into a restaurant and always find at least one thing that will satisfy me. I do feel more positive about the future.

I am now discovering the benefits of other foods; I have found that wheat bran and wheat germ in my morning smoothie helps with the bloating and regulation.

However, the "happiest" thing I get from a cooked vegan diet is the "allowance" and pleasure of eating/drinking something warm. I somewhat regret not transitioning in the winter. But right now I am enjoying my food. Since I have a trouble finding time to do everything with my schedule, I tend to make a crockpot full of soup once a week and eat that for the whole week for dinner with a potato or something. I actually don't get bored; I look forward and actually crave my meals. I can "barely wait" for my next meal because I am so excited or looking forward to it.

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