Sunday, February 10, 2013

Bad Premonition

There have been countless amounts of times that I walk into a room and I feel like everything is going to go bad at the moment. I hate the feeling of dreaded anticipation. It is horrible, you know that something wrong is going to happen but you don't know when. All you can literally do is wait. It brings you on the edge of your seat and you tend to break yourself in a cold sweat that you make yourself very nervous so that when what every the "bad" thing occurs you panic and don't know how to react. Today I went to a meeting for my internship site and I knew I was going to get in trouble once I saw the agenda that was planned out. I read on there, "entrance and training policy".  
       Before I elaborate, I must tell you what happened. A while ago, I received an email from my internship site telling me that there was going to be training for data entry. It also stated that if there was anyone else that was interested to feel free to forward the email to them. So that’s what I did, I forward the message to my friend who also was trying to get into the internship with the same program. Then, when my friend had an interview, she didn't get the spot on the internship site. Therefore, training for her would have been pointless. Unfortunately, she kept emailing the person who was going to do the training as well as the professor who was sponsoring the internship. Long story short--It ended badly. I TOLD her not to go to training because it was meant specifically for the internship, not general data entry. However, she didn't listen.
Now, back to the story. 
After my friend told me what was going on, I somewhat knew that I was going to get in trouble. Well, the program coordinator and the program director both decided to talk about "inviting" others into the group and violating the HIPPA and other Safety laws that they needed to abide by. The program director kept looking at me during the meeting. It was excruciating, I didn't say anything but I knew that she was talking about me the whole time. I could have died, I wanted to hurt my friend because I told her not to go because she was going to feel stupid and it wasn't going to benefit her. I didn't want to be there, I joined this internship for the sake of learning. And believe me; I am learning that program directors rather embarrass you anonymously in front of the whole committee instead of talking to you privately about the program.
There have been other instances that I have felt like this that I may elaborate in the future about but I had to get this one off my chest now.

Happy day to all......

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