Thursday, February 14, 2013

V Day

Happy Valentine’s Day everyone!

Today has actually been very hectic. I woke up and quickly washed the dishes and made my sisters a smoothie breakfast. I had to figure out what was going on with my sister (7yr old) and her school’s V-day party. Turns out, there was not a party and my mom just wanted me to go make them popcorn as a treat. So I did, I made a huge amount of popcorn, I felt like I worked at a movie theater or something. It was fun, but those second graders can be such a hassle. All 22 of them were trying to get me to serve them juice and refill their popcorn bags at the same time. It was insane. But I felt good, in the end everyone appreciated it and the teacher was thankful.

Besides that, I had to clean my house (Thursdays are the only days I truly have a chance for that), was my car, pay some bills, and then my dad asked me to take him to Bed Bath and Beyond to buy some Dr. Scholls. So, I did that. Then I got home and made dinner for everyone. I made the corn salad, and put some in romaine leaves for tacos. My family had turkey tacos and my mom had salmon tacos (she used the corn salad with some salmon in lettuce leaves).

I did, thankfully have a small chance to run in the morning. I had breakfast beforehand, which was a horrible idea since I normally run on an empty stomach so I did get some pain. I suffered through it, only pulling out about 6.78 miles. However, later in the day I did a short 15 min circuit that consisted of jumping jacks, push-ups, jumping squats, burpees, and the like. I HATE BURPEES!!! Torture, torture, tortuuuuuuuuuuure. However, my legs feel good. Overall, I had a nice day. I spent it with my family, which is something I value tremendously these days as I hardly see them due to school, work, two internships, and homework.

Hope everyone enjoyed their day.

Today's eats:
Breakfast :
12 dates
1 apples
2 bananas
Snack: 1 orange
            7 or so cuties
Lunch: banana (5 or 6) and dates (12 or so) ice cream

Snacks: various cuties
Dinner: Corn salad:
Corn, papaya, mango, tomato, onion, cilantro, scallions, avocado, lime, lettuce, celery, cucumber and bell pepper

2 cups of orange juice
Dessert: 2 oranges
            3 apples
            Handful of raisins

Yesterday's food 
Half smoothie from yesterday
1 quart of OJ
1 apple
1.5 c strawberries
Snack: 7cuties + pear
Dinner: 2 pears
            4 oranges
Dessert: 2 small boxes of raisins 

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