Thursday, February 7, 2013


As a practicing catholic, we celebrate Lent every year. It is a time where we abstain from and item or habit in order to show sacrifice for a full forty days. This is done in remembrance of the time when Jesus was in the desert deep in meditation and went forty days without food or water. This is supposed to teach us to liberate ourselves from our worldly possessions and to be purified of any negativity in our lives.

Mostly during this period, people tend to give up food such as: chocolate, ice cream, fast food, chips, soda, and beer. Since I follow a low fat diet, I tend to not consume these things. However, I was looking back at the items that I do consume and realized that even though I tend to keep a low fat diet, my fat intake can range from 10-15% on a daily basis. Realistically, this is not where I would want it. I know what my problem is; I love pistachios and peanuts way too much. They are my preferred snack food when I am sitting in front of the television on Friday night with my family or if I am feeling a bit peckish in front of the computer.

I am hoping that going forty days without nuts or seeds will teach me a lesson in self-control. I hope that I will be able to free myself from attachment to these items because when I eat them, I do tend to overeat and it seems like my body has a mind of its own.

Also, I do hope that I blog or at the least post my intake at least 5 days a week through the duration of lent. I want to get in the habit of posting my feeling and try to be active in social media that doesn't relate to social networking such as Facebook.

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