Thursday, February 7, 2013

Why Fruitarian?

When analyzing my past lifestyle, I realized that this has been my chosen path. After trying to lose weight I started to struggle with food physically, mentally, and emotionally, I was eating a typical SAD diet at the time. I was calorie-restricting and I was miserable. Then after deciding I needed to gain weight I started eating more; however I was still sticking to my own preset calorie target. I was gaining weight, energy, health and strength. However, I was still unhappy. My life was dominated by numbers and I had developed a disgusting OCD with my food that made me panic when some food-related event occurred out of nowhere. I could no longer be “free” like I used to be when I was younger. My life was degrading due to my anxiety stricken state.

In my quest for health and a change to alleviate myself of my anxiety that was starting to affect other aspects of my life I researched vegetarianism and veganism. I decided to try it. I soon found a HCRV (high carb raw vegan) lifestyle and everything changed for me. It is the first time that I stopped counting; I no longer felt the need to restrict to a certain number. I also noticed my mood changed, not dramatically, but I have started to be nicer to my siblings and tried to be more patient with the people around me. However, it’s a slow process.

My new re-found health is what has changed me and has given me the energy to continue on with this lifestyle. I feel healthier, I no longer need my reading glasses, nor do I experience horrible headaches and most importantly I am becoming comfortable in my own skin. The most liberating aspect is that I no longer count my calories or get anxious when someone offers me food. I do watch my fat intake—which I think everyone should—however I no longer STRESS about my food. I live in a completely natural state.

To me, that is the importance, trying to minimize all the negatives in your life and become one with your environment. Yes, I know it sounds like something a hippy would say. However, if you can’t go out and enjoy your surroundings, then there is no point of living because you have to like what’s around you and if you think that spending your entire life behind a computer and “liking” pictures on Facebook or following celebrities whose lifestyle you are never going to achieve on twitter is enjoyable. Then my friend, you have not experience natural bliss!

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