Friday, March 8, 2013

Bad hip, National Women's Day

Waking up with a bad hip when you are training for marathon less than 8 days away is very daunting and nerve-wrecking. It’s a pain that I can't describe since I never had any major injury. It somewhat feels like my hip wants to move in the opposite direction that it is supposed to go. My worry is that it won't get better and that it will interfere with my ability to complete the marathon. However, I am trying to be optimistic and only look forward to the better. I hope that plenty of rest will help my pain. I was reading that during the tapering period of a marathon, one is supposed to feel new aches and pains that one has been surprising for such a long time during training. I do feel my knee acting up and my ankles feel all strange. However, I assume that all of these sensations are normal. I was talking to my friend who has previously done the marathon, she said that you start off with a hill, that made me nervous, however I rather start off with a hill than end with one. I feel like it should be a good run. I have to remember my mantra, "I'm strong, I'm fast, I'm speed, and I’m light". It’s a technique that we have been practicing in yoga and I find it quiet uplifting. 

There have been predictions for rain in the last couple of days and last night it started pouring. It rained so hard that I got up just to see what the commotion was. After seeing the intense rain I thought that running today was going to be out of the question. I was awaken by the bright sun (the best way to wake up), confused as to I was expecting the rain. I got excited because that meant that I was able to go out for a short run. My run was very slow of course because I don't want to cause any more damage, however I don't want to get out of the habit of running.

As for my rant of the day:group projects again! 

Yes, I don't mean to bore you with this topic however, I need to vent. So, I feel as I have been doing about 70-85% of all the assignments thus far. It turns out that my friend decides that she wants to play group leader and assign everyone their part on the next homework. Ok, that doesn't sound bad does it? In theory, it seems as if she is trying to get the whole group on the same page to ensure the success of the project.......
anger coming......HOW is she going to take over and assign each person a topic if she hasn't contributed to the project at all. She is basically telling everyone that she is the group leader. It makes no sense, sure she is the person who is communicating and typing up the homework DIRECTIONS online. These two task, seem futile to me. The communication isn't helping and then why do you need to type the directions? We all have the printed instructions anyway. I don't think I would have minded as much if she would have contacted me and informed me of what plans she had. Or at LEAST asked me what part I wanted to pick. She just took it upon herself to control all the major decisions. I can't believe she did that.

Rant over.....TBC

National Women's Day
I have to change the subject and not leave you guys in a depressed state right? Today, we should celebrate all women everywhere! Here is to all the mothers, daughters, sisters, everywhere. All the work that gets done, support given, and dreams that were brought upon because of mothers and other women. They inspire up to continue to be wonderful people. I wish every women out there all the love and peace they can possible attain. To bad my mom isn't right next to me at the moment so I can give here a huge hug!!

2 Medjools + banana
1 Lara bar
Smoothie: 5 bananas 2 Medjools
Lunch: salad: apple, lettuce, 2 tomatoes, lime, and cucumber
               3 cups of grapes
               1 apple
               12 oz. of OJ
Dinner: 2 bananas
               1 baby banana
               I pear
1.5 cups of grapes
Dates (10 Deglat, 2 Medjools, 1 coconut Lara bar) 

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