Monday, March 25, 2013

Hungry for Change

I was intrigued to watch this documentary with guest speakers such as David Wolfe, Kris Carr, Jon Gabriel, Evita Rampartae, Joe Cross, Frank Ferrante, and many more. I found it very inspiring that they want you to focus you’re eating behaviors off of processed foods and switch to a whole foods diet that has been processed as few times as possible. They offer personal testimonies from raw food and juicing gurus. However, it lacks incentives. I feel that the main character they chose to portray the "average American" that is supposed to be "moody, depressed and non-confident" looked the complete opposite; I felt that she looked healthy and vibrant with great skin. She just seemed to stress the fact that she was gloomy because of her awful diet. Another issue that I had with the film is that they didn't describe any specific diet; they were just blaming bad foods such as processed, aspartame, and others. However, besides gelatinous foods such as aloe vera and chia seeds, I don't recall them specifying anything that would help clean up your diet. One just makes the assumption that they are talking about healthy food such as fruits and vegetables.

The information that was presented seemed logical and it seemed like the basic information that we hear all the time however, people fail to face up to the facts:

-Hunters and Gatherers: High food, low calories
     It is deemed that we are natural hunters and gatherers who depend on the earth that surrounds us. This means that we rely solely on fresh fruits and vegetables, nuts and seeds, and the occasional portion of meat when there was a successful kill. Now that processes have been simplified for us, our energy expenditure has been reduced and we no longer have to search for our food. To make this food easy to find and accessible year long, we have transferred it so it no longer is high quality. Our food is no longer "high food, low Cal" it now is "low food, high Cal".

-Humans are programed for fat and sugar
            I agree with this statement. As presented, we relied on the food that was provided for us. People were susceptible to constant famine because they couldn't depend on preserved food as we do today. Therefore when our bodies tasted something sugary like fruit or fat such as nuts, avocados, and seeds our brains automatically sent a signal to our body to continue to feed us more. We needed to pack on the calories and stock up our reserves for future use. Now, we constantly have food surrounding us. Therefore, we do not need this "preserve for famine" mechanism that our bodies have programmed into us. However, people are still addicted to sugar. Americans today are eating as much as 22 tsp. of TABLE sugar. If this sugar was the sugar naturally found in fruits and veg, I wouldn't mind because it comes with fiber and vitamins and minerals. However, this is not the case; table sugar is refined and greatly contributing to the obesity problems today.

-Starving on a nutritional level.
            The documentary talked about how the body is still hungry for nutrients even when you are "full". The body knows how to regulate itself and causes you to still crave or want more food because it is lacking certain aspects of its diet. This causes people to over-eat and gain weight because they are feeding themselves the wrong things. I lead to a vicious cycle with body fat, diabetes and weight gain.
            I agree that there are so many people starving even though they do happen to be overweight. If you look at the diet of many obese or overweight people you will find it filled with refined carbs such as bread, rice, pasta, cookies, table sugar, cereal, bacon, eggs, oil, etc. Little in there do you find whole foods such as STEAMED or BAKED potatoes, veg, fruit, whole grains, non-fat dairy products. Little vitamins and minerals are included in their diet. Therefore these individual's bodies force them to eat, yet they continue to pick items that are void of nutritional value so their hunger is unfulfilled. This is why these people get sicker than the lean and healthy people who happen to just eat "rabbit food".

-Yo yo dieting
Self-explanatory, will continue in another blog

-Food-like products; shelf life
            Corporations only goal is to make you consume their products. They do not care what they put in it as long as they make a profit. In order to make a profit they need to make the product last a long time, therefore they put many preservatives to make a long self-life.
            I secretly think that the government is allowing individuals to get fat because obesity and weight is a good marketing practice. The fatter people are the more industries will make money on weight loss programs and equipment. Also nationally, so much money is spending on overweight people; they make good research projects as well as help boost the economy because they have so many medical bills.

-Low energy, fog in cognition.
            There is no will in self-responsibility. No one is willing to accept the fact that they control their body and they are the ones who feed themselves therefore they are the ones responsible for the outcomes of their food choices. They are responsible for the amount of activity and type of lifestyle they life which is result effects the status of their health. They don't want to come to terms with this idea therefore they want the easy exit and expect a doctor to prescribe a pill that will solve all their problems due to poor health.

-MSG is found in 80% of food9
            MSG is an additive commonly found in food. Its affect is that it invites you to eat more and incites brain to activate fat programs to store fat and cause you to gain weight.

-Aspartame and caffeine combined are a deadly combination
            When these two chemicals are combined they kill brain cells. People are addicted to these chemicals in the form of diet soda because it creates a buzz. It also a legal and "guilt free" since it provides no extra calories. The effects of these deadly combos are migraines, frontal lobe inflammation, visual disturbances, neurologic problems, cognitive problems, precursor to cancer, carb cravings (leads to over eating). Studies have also shown that people who drink diet soda to control their weight actually end up fatter than they started.

-HFCS (high fructose corn syrup)
            HFCS is refined chemically modified sugar. It is often compared to crack cocaine.
The number one thing I attained from this documentary is that FOOD KILLS MORE PEOPLE THAN DRUGS COMBINED.

Yes, unfortunately this is true. People are literally eating themselves to death and not thinking twice about it. If you were at a family reunion, no one would think twice if you consumed hot dogs, burgers, nachos, ice cream, ribs, wings, chips, cake, cookies, candy, soda, etc. within a few hours. However, people would "cut you off" if you consume about five alcoholic drinks in one or two hours. People will especially panic if they saw you doing illicit drugs. Yet, because food is legal and we have complete control of what we eat, it has the power to consume our life and lead to our grave.

These are the main points that I got from the documentary, watch for yourself and create your own opinions towards it.

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