Monday, March 4, 2013


To be honest, I love leather. I feel it has a "bad-ass" look to it. However, I no longer wish to be a "bad-ass". I rather be someone who supports the environment and isn't so concerned with material goods. I do own a few pieces of leather. I admit, I think my Doc Martens are the coolest looking boots I own. I also have a very nice leather jacket my mom ordered me from Mexico. I love these items. I also feel sad every time I now wear them because I know how they were acquired. Ever since turning vegan I have not bought any animal clothing. I also do not intend to do so in the future. It’s cruel that these animals are practically skinned alive just to make a coat or shoes. Now the thought of wearing dead skin repulses me. I find it horrid that I am wearing the flesh of an animal whose life was forcefully taken because I wanted to fashionable cover my body. The thought make me feel repulsive and selfish.

The whole ideology of becoming self-sufficient and SACRIFICING animals is completely out of hand. We are no longer spiritual creatures who take only what they need. We have been gluttonous devils who demolish everything to over fulfill our needs/desires. Knowing what happens behind closed doors helps you appreciate everything around you. It makes you realize that all the time and effort you spend on purchasing items does not make you a better person.
Stereotypically, we are accustomed to think that the best dressed person is "nicer", "smarter", and "better". However, the saying, "clothes don't make the person" can go a long way. Clothes do not make the person in any way. People are disguised in clothes and try to create an image that may not exist. They want to portray that they have things that others don't so that they feel superior.

An example, I see countless amounts of people who buy new shirts every day or only buy brand name clothing. However, these same people don't have a car, a decent home, a good relationship with their friends and family, nor do they have any true aspirations in life. These people are using up our earth’s resources on an ideology that doesn't exist for them. They want to portray a "cool and suave" persona so they wear animal skin. They take expensive material such as leather, snake skin, animal fur so that they can receive comments on their "awesome" ensemble. However, they don't realize that the very clothes that are covering them are made from sacrificing an animal. They had to be killed and tormented so that they can fashionable cover their hide.

I am now starting to think that those whom are well dressed and are "fashionistas" are now the ignorant individuals. Think about all the time they are spending shopping, looking for deals, wasting their life following trends. They can easily be using that time on something a bit more humane. Even educating themselves or becoming one with the environment that they are a part of. There is so much do, so much to learn, however people are wasting their life on the materialistic aspect of living. They are willing to sacrifice much more than their environment around them, because in using all of our resources, we are destroying the future. We are starting to deprive the future of the natural beauty that once surrounds us. We are killing animals and creating famines due to our selfishness. It’s time to change something, even if it is as little as one person who stops caring about designer clothes and fashion, it’s a start. Hopefully those values will rub off on those surrounding them.

Exercise: 10.08 miles at an easy pace
45 min of light Hatha yoga
Food intake:
Breakfast: Banana/date/spinach smoothie
Lunch: banana/pear/date smoothie
Dinner: two large nectarines, a pear, about 4 cups of grapes, and I stuffed my face with dates  

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