Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Group Projects Suck!

I love school, I love learning, and I actually enjoy projects. Normally, I like hands on type of projects where you have to be creative. However, I don't like working with a group. Ideally, I don't think it would be that bad and actually think that in theory it is a beautiful idea. I think that people who work together for a common interest will create a wonderful project because there is a variety of different strengths and creative input going forth into the assignment. However, we all know that is not at all what happens. In reality, in a group of about five people you have

1. The overachiever, who is a
bit narcissistic about their grade and therefore takes over the project because
they can't stand working with lazy people,

2. The person who works on the
project, but only does their part and nothing more

3. The person, who seemingly
works on the project, however is just communicating with everyone and spamming
everyone with pointless messages.

4 and 5. The slackers, who do
absolutely nothing and are a pain to drag on. They don't communicate or
anything and you have no idea what is going on in their minds. You give them
assignments however, they can't be trusted to complete them or do a very good

I am a 1. I tend to be very anal about my grades and strive to have the highest GPA possible. I try to work my best. However, school isn't enjoyable when I have to push other people to do their required work. It is pathetic that people in their LAST semester of UNIVERSITY can't even manage to do their share. These are the same people who are going to be in the workforce in a few years. They should be trying to prepare for their future career, using the last semester as a test for them to see if they are interested in what they are studying. Noticing if it’s worth the effort. Also, why wouldn't you want to try hard in your last semester, hopefully you love what you are doing and that makes you excited? There really is no reason why anyone should be slacking off.

This year, I am currently working with three other girls on our final project. Two of the girls are a "5" and the other girl is a "3". It’s really annoying me because we are doing a topic that I felt was played out and uninteresting. I wanted to do something that I haven't heard any of my other classmates in my classes talk about. However, they didn't want to. I tried to be a good teammate and I accepted their idea. So now I am stuck with a group that doesn't do anything, stuck with a topic I don't like, and a suffering grade. I am doing most of the work; it wouldn't be such a pain if I got to choose the topic that I would end up doing all the work for anyway. However, I didn't and no I am suffering the consequences.

You will probably hear more of my rant throughout the semester.

Bf: (1/2) pear and slices of jicama while making my sis lunch
               Grapes (2-3 cups)
               4 small oranges
               5 clementine  

Lunch: Salad: romaine, red leaf, green leaf lettuce, 4 tomatoes, 1 mango, onions, (1/2) cucumber, lime, avocado, and cilantro
1 quart of OJ
3 clementine and 1 orange

Dinner: grapes (2-3 cups), huge nectarine, pear, 10 Medjools, apple

Exercise: Slow 7. something run, starting the tapering processes for the LA marathon. 

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